304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
Product Name: Osimert
Generic : Osimertinib
Quantity: 30 tablets
WhatsApp, WeChat, Telegram: +8801540071497
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Osimert 80 mg price in Bangladesh is about $100 but the price can be changed on time. And the osimert price may vary on location and quantity. To know the exact price of osimert feel free to contact us. You may also check the price of osimert in India here.
Osimert 30 Tablets 80 mg is a first line treatment option for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). It is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, works by inhibiting EGFR exon 19 deletions or exon 21 L858R mutations and T790M mutations. Osimert got FDA approval to treat non-small cell lung cancer where tumors contain epidermal growth factor.
Osimert 80 mg is a third-generation epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitor. It is a targeted therapy for lung cancer treatment. That works by blocking the activity of an abnormal protein that signals cancer cells to multiply.
Osimert 80 mg is researched, manufactured and developed by Everest Pharmaceuticals Bangladesh under the generic composition osimertinib. Being a generic medicine, Osimert 80 has been widely accepted by health care specialists and doctors as an effective treatment option for lung cancer treatment. Osimert 80 mg has been tested and inspected by the authorities for quality and safety before being licensed for public use.
The recommended dose to treat NSCLC with Osimert 80 mg daily once with or without food.
If you miss a dose you should take it immediately after if the time is close to the missed dose. Do not take that dose if the next dose time is closer. Do not take an overdose just go with your next dose as a regular dose. Inform your health care if you miss a dose of osimert.
Osimert and Tagrisso both contains active ingredients osimertinib. Both has the same ingredients and similarly effective. In terms of price Tagrisso is very expensive where osimert is a cheap medicine.
Though there is no available data on human about women pregnancy while taking osimert tablet, but it not recommended to take osimert in case of pregnancy. If you are already taking this medicine do not get pregnant. The same rules should be followed in case of breast feeding.
see also Selpercatinib
You can buy the medicine osimert from Onus Pharma. You can contact with us with a valid prescription provided by your doctor, where your doctor mentioned to use osimert to treat cancer. Our contact details are given above in the product short description section.
Osimert 80 mg everest means, Everest pharmaceutical is the manufacturer of the drug osimert in Bangladesh. Everest also manufactures others lung cancer drug like Sotoxen, Alecnib and Lorbrexen.
Price of Osimert 80 mg in Vietnam is about 7 million VND. To know the exact price contact with onus pharma.
As a targeted therapy Osimert can cause mild to severe side effects depending on patients health condition, medical history or history of other disease.
Rare side effects:
Call your doctor right away if you notice the following rare side effects:
However the information above only for general purpose always follows your doctor’s prescription before taking osimertinib.
Osimert 80 mg should be stored at below 30 degree C.
The cost of Osimert 80mg 30 tablets is about $180.
Osimert 80 mg costs 4,576,500 VND.
Osimert belongs to cytotoxic chemotherapy.
You can buy the genuine osimert medicine from Onus Pharma. Which is one of the leading online pharmacy.
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